
Everybody is unique. Everybody has his

or her own knowledges, their own experiences, their own way of thinking or feeling. And those things can influence how the people see the reality, and their understanding about it.

As a human, sometimes we have limitation to understand the reality. Sometimes, we have certain perspective in seeing something. Depends on our knowledge, or experience, or even intuition.

People usually have never ending debates on something because they see something just from their own perspective, and call it as the truth. They reveal the “true from their perspective” as “the truth” itself, while actually it’s not! It’s just true, JUST IF you see it from that perspective. NOT THE TRUTH ITSELF.

The truth has other dimensions that we may not see. That’s why, it’s important to see things in many perspectives, to get more undestanding. And as I said before that as human, we may have limitation. It would be easier when we share perspectives with other people. Ah, that’s why diversity is beautiful, isn’t it? If we can be open-minded, the diversity can make a harmony. ⁣

I must emphasize, I believe that however, the truth is one. The truth is not relative, it’s single and must be proven scientifically (both of empiric and rationally, depends on the object). Here, I just want to state that when we have different opinion, it may be because we just see it in different perspective. Doesn’t always mean that one of us wrong. We might just see some parts of it, not the whole. And we might find the whole truth by collecting the perspective together.⁣

I think, “Unity in Diversity” can mean that way, too. And, this is my perspective.⁣


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